Department of Health and UCGH Announce Drive-Up COVID-19 Screening for All

Union County – The New Mexico Department of Health and Union County General Hospital announces drive-up screening for the COVID-19 coronavirus will be held Tuesday, May 26th – no appointment necessary – at the National Guard Armory, 25 Air Park Street in Clayton, NM from 10 am – 3 pm or while test supplies last.
The testing is OPEN to all residents, you do NOT need to meet screening criteria. We will test ALL individuals who would like to be tested while test supplies last. All residents will remain in your vehicle the entire process.
The testing process is free to all residents, however if you do have insurance; we ask that you bring your insurance card with you.
New Mexicans with health-related questions can call the Department of Health coronavirus hotline at 855-600-3453. For non-health-related questions or concerns call 833-551-0518 or visit, which is being updated and finalized as a one-stop source for information.
The state Department of Health also updates its dedicated COVID-19 webpage with additional information to include the latest COVID-19-related news, statewide screening and test sites and more at
Union County General Hospital updates its website for Hospital and Nursing Home COVID-19 information daily, this includes number tested, number positives, number pending and number recovered. This does not include numbers of COVID-19 tests done by the Department of Health and the Prison.