Profound Thank You to Physicians

Annually, on March 30th, hospitals and healthcare industry colleagues celebrate Doctors Day. Doctors matter deeply to our hospitals. Additionally, doctors improve local community health and further science knowledge for society. The pandemic reminded us how much we depend on doctors and it remains true today.
Physicians and surgeons dedicate many years beyond a college education to gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for the job. At Union County General Hospital, doctors’ expertise is invaluable for improving quality patient care in a safe environment. They combine medical training with care and compassion to diagnose, treat and heal. Patients rely on doctors to interpret the complicated medical language that helps with decision-making. Doctors can be our heroes when they help us regain vitality after a health setback.
Our communities rely on doctors to serve in public health roles. Family doctors and specialists usually treat individuals, while physicians in public health focus on the well-being of our greater community. Public health practitioners monitor the spread of contagious diseases and advise about health risks where we work or in the air we breathe.
Society benefits as the body of knowledge about science and health expands. Hundreds of doctors dedicate their careers to research so bedside doctors can offer patients more options for hospital and clinical care.
On this Doctors Day 2023, I express deep gratitude for all the doctors who make a difference in our health, enabling us to live our best lives. We profoundly thank you for your dedication and tireless work ethic, for accepting a call to help and heal. Happy Doctors Day.